Garbha Pindasana
Benefits of this Yoga Pose:
- It relaxes the whole spine, especially the muscles of the lumbar spine.
- Helpful for abdominal cramps and strengthens all abdominal muscles.
- It cleans and tones the liver and spleen and strengthens the uterus and rectum.
- It activates the first three chakras.
- Garbha Pindasana is very effective in opening the hip joints even further making your lotus more comfortable.
- This asana is believed to help in a spiritual union between one’s mind and soul.
- The abdomen remains shapely and slim due to total contraction during the posture.
- The digestive system of the body improves due to the regular practice of this posture It also treats all kinds of stomach illnesses.
- The yoga posture provides exercise to both the upper and the lower body of the performer.

Step 1

Step 2
- This asana should not be practiced with problems of the hips, knees or ankles.
- This asana should not be practiced if any abdominal surgery is done recently.
- Sit in Padmasana.
- Insert an arm between the thigh and calf of each leg and bend the elbows under the calves.
- Fold the arms upward and raise the legs.
- Hold the ears, balancing the whole body on the coccyx.
- The eyes may be open or closed.
- Maintain the final position for as long as is comfortable.
- Let go of the ears, lower the legs and slowly release the arms from the legs.
- Cross the legs the other way around and repeat the pose.
- This asana may also be performed lying on the back.